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How To Train Better Balance and Efficient Movement brain Sep 13, 2021

Let's talk a little bit about the cerebellum. The cerebellum is involved in movement, cognition, emotions, hormones, and autonomic functions. This week I will focus on its role in movement. To keep it simple, the cerebellum is responsible for the ABCs of movement: accuracy, balance, and...

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Meditation And The Brain brain Sep 06, 2021

If you feel stressed, anxious, tense, and worried then try considering meditation. Spending just a few minutes per day can change your brain and have a tremendous impact on your well-being. The best part is that mediation does not require any special equipment, can be done anywhere, and is free....

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3 Ways You Need To Train Your Brain brain Jan 26, 2021

Your brain has the ability to learn and grow no matter what age. This process is called brain plasticity and only happens if you activate your brain on a consistent basis with new input.

If you want to train your brain for your overall health then you need to activate all areas of the brain.


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