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The Power of Year-End Reflections: A Tool for Growth and Happiness

motivation Dec 18, 2023

Have you ever looked back and wished you had started a beneficial habit earlier in life? I certainly have. Among the habits I've adopted later in life, conducting a year-end review is very impactful. It wasn't until four years ago that I began this practice, and it has become a foundation for my personal and professional growth. It has helped me to stay on track to reach my goals as well as being able to serve and help others on their journey in life.

If you like to bring your review another level deeper, watch the latest episode of Empower Hour: How to Write Expressively and Heal Yourself here. My guest Jennie Chapman Linthorst is a poet, expressive writing teacher, and founder of LifeSPEAKS Expressive Writing & Poetry Therapy. 

Here's my approach to an effective year-end reflection:

Embracing Mindfulness: I dedicate specific time for this exercise, ensuring I'm fully present. This means no distractions, just a moment of introspection and self-connection. Yes, put the phone away!

Pen and Paper: I chose the traditional pen-and-paper approach. Studies have shown that handwriting activates different parts of the brain compared to typing, enhancing learning and promoting a more positive mood. (Read more about the benefits of handwriting over typing for learning).

Setting a Positive Intention: Before diving in, I set a positive intention. This is important as it primes the brain, activating neural pathways associated with positivity. It's about framing the session in a way that turns even challenging reflections into constructive insights. The glass is half-full approach.

Take Inventory: I examine various life areas, including relationships, health, business, and finances. I usually draw columns on the paper to get a more visual assessment. The answers to the questions below will find a spot in this table.

Acknowledging and Celebrating: Finally, I revisit my achievements and learnings from challenges. I practice gratitude for my current place in life, ending the session on a high note. This act of self-recognition and gratitude is known to release brain chemicals that enhance well-being and happiness.

Here’s a structured three-step process with key questions. Feel free to personalize it to suit your needs.

3-Step Reflection Process

Step 1: Inventory Taking

This step is about clarity, not judgment. Start with 'What' questions:

  • What were my biggest successes this year?
  • What did I complete, and what remained unfinished?
  • What ambitions did I not act on?
  • What were my most significant challenges?
  • What new skills did I acquire?
  • Which experiences brought me the most joy, and with whom?
  • What were some poignant moments of sadness?
  • How did I invest in myself?
  • Where did things not go as planned?
  • What habits worked well for me? Which didn’t?

Step 2: Deep Analysis

These are mostly 'Why' and 'How' questions:

  • Why were certain tasks accomplished or left undone?
  • How did I navigate through challenges?
  • In moments of sorrow, how did I cope, and what could I have done differently?
  • How did I respond to unexpected events?
  • What made some habits easier to maintain than others?

Step 3: Looking Forward

  • What should I do more of next year?
  • How can I bring more happiness into my life?
  • What specific actions can improve my health, relationships, finances, or business?
  • What are my goals for the upcoming year?
  • What do I need to let go of or stop doing?

Performing a year-end review is a transformative practice that can guide personal and professional growth. It’s not just about looking back but also setting the stage for a proactive and fulfilling future. Growth comes from reviewing, learning, and reengaging.


Join me this Thursday for the NeuroHP Workshop to review 2023 and set your goals for 2024. Or Schedule a free consultation with me here.