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Why Your 'Why' Matters

purpose Mar 18, 2024

In a world of endless tasks and distractions, the quest for a deeper sense of purpose becomes even more critical. Knowing your 'why'—the reason behind your actions—can transform your whole approach to life, your daily routine, your productivity, and your overall health and well-being. It gives you meaning and direction.

The terms Why, Purpose, and Mission are often used interchangeably while in fact, there are differences.

Your Why:

Your 'why' is the core belief that drives all of your actions; it's the reason you get up in the morning. It's deeply personal and reflects your intrinsic motivation and core values. It is who you are as a person. It is the state of ‘being’. It will not change but may shift a little depending on your self-development.

Your Purpose:

Your purpose is how you translate your 'why' into intentions and actions. It's the expression of your why in daily life, guiding your choices and behaviors. It is a state of ‘doing’ and can change depending on the area of your life or project.

Your Mission:

Your mission is the tangible manifestation of your purpose. It's more specific and action-oriented, often related to career goals, personal projects, or how you contribute to the community.

Research in psychology and neuroscience has shown that having a clear sense of purpose is linked to numerous benefits for mental health. Having a sense of purpose can activate the brain's reward centers, releasing dopamine and other feel-good neurochemicals, which increase our motivation, energy, and well-being.

Individuals with a high sense of purpose had lower levels of cortisol, suggesting reduced stress levels. A strong sense of purpose can enhance resilience and cope in the face of stress, adversity, and challenges. It provides a sense of direction, focus, and motivation, even in the face of setbacks. It has also been associated with better cognitive functioning and memory.

Lower incidence of heart attacks, chronic disease, fewer hospitalizations, and longer life expectancy are among the physical health benefits.

Finding Your Why

Reflect on moments when you felt most fulfilled or engaged. Ask yourself what values and beliefs were being honored in those moments.

Defining Your Purpose

Consider how you can extend the principles of your 'why' into broader life goals. What impact do you want to have on the world and in the different areas of your life? How can you contribute to the well-being of others?

Crafting Your Mission

Break down your purpose into actionable goals. What steps can you take to make your vision a reality? This could be career-oriented, such as starting a business that aligns with your values, or personal, like committing to lifelong learning.

Strategies to Define Your Why, Purpose, and Mission

  1. Self-Reflection: Dedicate time to introspection. Journaling can be a powerful tool for exploring your values, passions, and the experiences that have shaped you.
  2. Seek Feedback: Sometimes, others can see aspects of ourselves that we overlook. Engage in conversations with close friends or mentors about your strengths and the themes they observe in your life.
  3. Explore New Experiences: Broadening your horizons through new experiences can help clarify what matters most to you. Volunteer, travel, learn new skills, and be open to where these journeys take you.
  4. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practices like mindfulness and meditation can help quiet the noise of daily life, making it easier to connect with your inner self and understand your deeper desires and motivations.
  5. Look for Patterns: Review your past experiences and look for patterns in the activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. These patterns can offer clues to your underlying why.
  6. Create a Vision Board: A vision board can help crystallize your dreams and aspirations, serving as a visual representation of your why, purpose, and mission.
  7. Set Goals and Experiment: Start small by setting short-term goals that align with your perceived purpose and mission. Be open to adjusting these as you learn and grow.
  8. Professional Guidance: Consider working with a life coach or counselor who can guide you through the process of uncovering your why, purpose, and mission.

Knowing your why, understanding your purpose, and defining your mission are not just philosophical exercises; they are science-backed pathways to a more fulfilling, healthier life. By aligning your actions with your values and aspirations, you create a life of intention, meaning, and impact. Embrace this journey with curiosity, openness, and the knowledge that each step brings you closer to a life lived with purpose and becoming a great leader.