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Top Strategies How To Improve Your Sleep

sleep Mar 03, 2024

Sleep is non-negotiational. We need about 7-9 hours of good quality and quantity of sleep. A night of good sleep allows the brain and body to slow down and engage in processes of recovery, promoting better physical and mental performance the next day. Sleep rejuvenates the mind, repairs the body, and prepares us for the challenges of a new day.

Sleep unfolds in cycles of approximately 90 minutes, each encompassing distinct stages: NREM (Non-Rapid Eye Movement) stages 1, 2 (Light Sleep), and 3 (Deep Sleep), followed by REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. Each plays a vital role in our overall health and well-being.

The different sleep stages are distinctly different in heart rate, body and skin temperature, respiratory rate, and movement. Electronic devices like the Oura ring measure these parameters. I have used the Oura ring for years and find it the most accurate tracker (I have no affiliation with them). The Fitbit and Apple Watch are also great tracking devices.

Light sleep:

  • Respiratory rate slows
  • Heart rate decreases
  • Body temperature drops
  • Muscle relax and may jerk

Deep sleep:

  • Low movement
  • Heart rate and respiration stabilize
  • Skin temperature is at its highest
  • Blood flow to muscles increases
  • Growth hormone release
  • Tissue growth and cell repair
  • Brain flushes

REM sleep:

  • Respiratory rate increases
  • Heart rate increases
  • Temperature regulation is switched off
  • Vivid dreams may occur
  • Less body movement


Strategies to Influence the Different Sleep Stages

NREM Stage 1: Light sleep - Falling Asleep

This short, light sleep phase is the transition from wakefulness to sleep, lasting several minutes.

Improvement Strategies:

  1. Relaxation Techniques: Practice deep breathing or mindfulness to ease the transition into sleep.
  2. Comfortable Environment: Ensure your sleeping environment is quiet, dark, and at a comfortable temperature.
  3. Limit Caffeine: Avoid caffeine late in the day to prevent interference with falling asleep.
  4. Consistent Sleep Schedule: Go to bed at the same time each night to regulate your internal clock.
  5. Limit Naps: Especially late in the day, to ensure you’re tired enough to fall asleep easily at night.

NREM Stage 2: Light Sleep

As you disengage from your surroundings, your body temperature drops and your heart rate slows. This stage occupies the majority of your sleep time.

Improvement Strategies:

  1. Limit Screen Time: Reduce exposure to screens before bed to decrease blue light intake. Recommended is a minimum of 1 hour before bed but some people may need more.
  2. Comfortable Bedding: Invest in a good quality mattress and pillows for optimal comfort.
  3. Evening Routine: Establish a calming pre-sleep routine to signal your body it’s time to wind down.
  4. Exercise Regularly: Avoid vigorous exercise close to bedtime.

NREM Stage 3: Deep Sleep - Restoring your body

This rejuvenating stage is crucial for physical recovery, immune function, and growth hormone release.

Improvement Strategies:

  1. Avoid Alcohol: Alcohol can reduce deep sleep.
  2. Magnesium-rich Foods: Incorporate magnesium-rich foods like almonds and spinach into your diet, as magnesium can aid in relaxation.
  3. Avoid Heavy Meals: Have your meal 3 hours before your bedtime.
  4. Warm Bath: Taking a warm bath before bed can help initiate the body’s temperature drop, easing the transition into deep sleep.
  5. Blackout Curtains: Ensure complete darkness in your room to support uninterrupted deep sleep.
  6. Consistent Schedule: Keep a consistent sleep schedule.
  7. Mind-body Techniques: Practice yoga or gentle stretching in the evening to promote physical relaxation.

REM Sleep: Re-energizes your mind

REM sleep stimulates the brain regions used in learning and is associated with dreaming, memory consolidation, and emotional regulation.

Improvement Strategies:

  1. Healthy Fats Before Bed: A small snack with healthy fats can stabilize blood sugar, preventing disruptions during REM sleep.
  2. Dream Journal: Keep a dream journal by your bed to encourage remembering and engaging with your dreams, potentially enhancing REM sleep.
  3. Sleep on a Schedule: Maximize REM sleep by maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, allowing for full sleep cycles.
  4. Stress Management: Manage stress throughout the day. Practice meditation or journaling to prevent anxiety from cutting REM sleep short.
  5. Avoid Stimulants: Refrain from nicotine and reduce caffeine consumption, as they can disrupt REM sleep.

Understanding and optimizing each sleep stage improves sleep quality, enhancing overall health and well-being. By implementing these stage-specific strategies, you’re not just investing in better sleep but in a more vibrant, energetic, and fulfilling you. Remember, start small and implement one strategy at a time.