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The Simple Way to Make Decisions

Sep 27, 2021

"There is no such thing as a "decision" - you either know what to do or you don't." (Michael Neill)

We have been taught from the beginning that there is a 'right' answer out there, in the world around us. We think that our future well-being is dependent on making the right decision now. We start to overthink and our sympathetic system (fight and flight) kicks in. The truth is that the answer is within us. Often times we just need to slow down and listen to ourselves. When we are relaxed and our parasympathetic system (rest and digest) is activated, we will almost always be able to think more clearly and know what to do.

3 Supercharge Tips

#1 Abandon Excessive Speculations

We can't predict the future and therefore excessive speculations lead to the inability to make a decision. Stop the speculations and stick to the facts you know.

#2 We Can't Accurately Predict

There is no way that we can accurately predict the future. Be ok with the fact that there will be things that you did not expect and trust that you will be able to figure out how to handle them.

#3 Your Thoughts

Learn to let go of the thoughts that you always have in order to make the best possible decision. The number of reasons we have to do something does not correlate to how much we actually want to do something.

Instead of listing all the reasons, ask yourself: "Do I want to do this?