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How to Create Long-Term Happiness

happiness Apr 18, 2022

Do feel truly happy? How do you know if you are living a happy life? Happiness is not simply a positive mood, it is a state of well-being and a sense of meaning and deep contentment in life. Happy people live with purpose and are congruent with their values. They find joy in their relationships, work toward their goals, and enjoy the simple pleasures of life which create long-term happiness. Research has shown that material goods only create short-term happiness.

Here are a few signs that someone is content (Psychology Today):

  • Is open to learning new things
  • Is high in humility and patience
  • Smiles and laughs readily
  • Goes with the flow
  • Practices compassion
  • Is often grateful 
  • Exercises self-care
  • Enjoys healthy relationships
  • Is happy for other people
  • Gives and receives without torment
  • Lives with meaning and purpose
  • Does not feel entitled and has fewer expectations
  • Is not spiteful or insulting
  • Does not hold grudges
  • Does not register small annoyances
  • Does not angst over yesterday and tomorrow
  • Does not play games
  • Is not a martyr or victim
  • Is not stingy with their happiness

Happiness does not just come to us, we have to create it. Research shows that much of happiness is under personal control.

How To Start Creating Your Happiness:

 Strategy #1 Gratitude

As mentioned before, practicing gratitude has an amazingly powerful impact on your brain for more well-being and happiness. Journaling gratitude brings it to an even higher level. The integration of multiple brain areas while journaling what you are grateful for, will activate the brain even more.

Change your brain with gratitude journaling and create more lasting happiness.

 Strategy #2 Social Comparison

Social comparison (upward and downward) can have an impact on our mental health, well-being, and happiness. People that feel happier and self-confident may be less affected by it.
Pay attention to how you feel. If you notice that it affects you, take action:
- practice gratitude right at that moment
- remove your self
- turn off your device
- set limits for yourself
- unfollow what makes you unhappy
- use other strategies to create more happiness

 Strategy #3 Improve Your Gut Function

Yes, your gut has an impact on your happiness. There is an anatomical and physiological two-way communication between the gut and brain via the vagus nerve.
Therefore the level of your gut function has an impact on your brain function and vice versa. The better your gut functions, the better your brain will function.
A better functioning brain means higher levels of well-being and happiness. Certain foods may even directly impact your mood. Sugary, processed, and inflammatory foods are the most common.

Other Science-Based Strategies:

Connecting with others, spending time in nature, managing stress, focusing on what makes us happy, meditation, sleep, eliminating limiting beliefs, and self-compassion to name just a few more. 

It is your choice to create happiness in your life. 

Join me on Thursday 4/28 at 11 am PST

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