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How To Be 10X More Productive

productivity Aug 09, 2021

Do you wish to get more done and still have time to do something fun for yourself? You can, if you implement the right habits. The brain is extraordinary by always trying to minimize spending energy. New or unexpected situations, skills, learning, problem-solving, and memorizing require firing from a lot of neurons. This takes energy. The brain adapts to these demands by creating habits that will, in the long run, save energy. Oftentimes, these habits are not the best for our health and performance. That's why it is even more important to actively start habits that enhance your health and bring your performance to higher levels.

How to:

  1. Analyze your current habits. Which ones are helpful in your daily life and which ones are not serving you?
  2. Start implementing one habit today that will help you to be more productive. (see list below)
  3. Remember that it is better to start small and stay consistent. Too many new habits will take too much energy and your brain will not stick with it consistently.
  4. Less is more: cut out one habit that does not serve you. Avoiding distractions will raise your productivity.

Tip #1 Morning Routine

A good morning routine will set you up for success. Planning your day, scheduling the most important tasks, setting intentions, meditating, and movement are habits that get your brain ready to perform at higher levels. A good morning routine is a key to being more productive.

Tip #2 Needle Movers vs To-Do List

This habit changed my productivity the most. Ever since I started categorizing my tasks into Needle Movers, things that move me forward to my goals/dreams and To-Do List, things that just need to get done, I became a lot more productive. I separate Needle Movers vs To-Do List every morning in my morning routine. Then I schedule my needle movers first.

Tip #3 Block Schedule

A block schedule is a great way to be more productive. Schedule blocks of time for specific tasks each day. Have one block dedicated to one task.

Bonus Tips

Here are a few more ideas to try:

  • Set up your environment for success
  • Take a break every 50min
  • Say no
  • Make decision quicker
  • Don't try to multi-task
  • Gain clarity of what your goals are and why they are important to you
  • Avoid distractions
  • Simplify
  • Get a good night's sleep