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Embracing Change in a Fast-Paced World

mindset Nov 06, 2023

Sometimes we can’t hope for change to happen fast enough other times it’s there and we have a really hard time with it. In an era where change is the only constant, the ability to embrace it becomes not just a valuable skill. It’s human nature, the brain seeks comfort and predictability but also needs change and pushing out of one’s comfort zone in order to grow. 

Watch my latest CWC Episode on YouTube (subscribe to @xpandhealth): Courage to Change here.

Why do we need to embrace change?

We are in the midst of a technological revolution. From artificial intelligence to virtual reality, the ways we work, communicate, and entertain ourselves are continuously evolving. With the rapid technological progress, individuals and industries must adapt quickly to new tools and methodologies. I went to the U2 concert at the Sphere in Las Vegas last week and technology is literally mind-blowing. It was an experience I had never felt before. I felt my brain’s process of making sense of what my eyes and other senses took in, in slow motion. Seeing something like a concrete wall breaking apart projected looking so real but at the same time knowing it wasn’t real was a new experience for me.

We also need to embrace change as our world is more connected than ever before. Cultures, economies, and politics intermingle in ways that were unimaginable a few decades ago. This interconnectedness means that events in one part of the world can have ripple effects globally, necessitating adaptability.

The COVID-19 pandemic is a reminder of the unpredictability of life. It led to unprecedented changes in the way we live, work, and interact. Who has not been on a Zoom call since then? The importance of resilience and the ability to embrace change have been factors in how each one of us experienced the pandemic. With the rise of remote work, traditional 9-to-5 jobs and office settings are no longer the only norms. Embracing this change is vital for both individuals and organizations to remain relevant and competitive.

There is also a growing understanding of the importance of mental health. and well-being. Embracing change, managing stress, and building resilience is important to mental health, decision-making, and well-being.

What Does Embracing Change Mean?

Embracing change doesn't mean blindly accepting everything that comes your way. Instead, it's about:

  • Recognizing change as a natural part of life.
  • Seeing change as an opportunity, not a threat.
  • Actively working to adapt, rather than resisting or avoiding the change.

Science-Backed Strategies to Embrace Change

Cognitive Reframing

Change your perspective on change! According to cognitive behavioral therapy principles, reframing our thoughts about change from negative to positive can significantly influence our reactions. For instance, instead of thinking, "This is too hard," consider, "This is a new challenge I can learn from."

Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness can increase resilience to stress and promote positive attitudes toward challenges. Regular meditation practices can ground you, making transitional phases feel less overwhelming.

Growth Mindset

Dr. Carol Dweck's research at Stanford University has shown that individuals with a growth mindset - those who believe abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work - are more adaptable and better at handling change.

Break Tasks into Smaller Steps

By breaking down tasks or challenges into smaller, more manageable steps, the process feels less intimidating.


Social connections play a crucial role in our mental well-being, especially during periods of change. Being part of a community and having social support can help us better cope with major life changes.

Identify Fear

We have either a fear of the outcome, process, or loss. Fear of the unknown (outcome) can be a significant barrier to embracing change. By seeking information and understanding the reasons and potential outcomes of a change, you can reduce anxiety and approach the situation more rationally. Fear of not being able to live up to the demand (process) may shut us down and procrastinate. Identifying the skills and information you need along the process helps us to feel more confident. Change might make us feel that we have lost what we have. Gaining clarity of what the short- and long-term benefits are of the change. What is the gain/learning?

Practice Flexibility

Regularly push yourself out of your comfort zone in small ways, whether that's trying a new hobby or altering your daily routine. Over time, this can train your brain to become more accustomed to change.

Change is an inevitable part of life. While it might bring challenges, it also brings growth, new experiences, and perspectives. With the right mindset and strategies, you can not only navigate change but thrive because of it. Embrace change as an opportunity to evolve.


Struggling to embrace change? Schedule a free consultation with me here.