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Effective Warm Up Part 1

brain-based drill Oct 02, 2020

Effective Warm UP

Athletes know that a warm up is important, but do you understand how to do it most effectively?

A warm up is important to:

  • prevent injuries
  • increase blood flow
  • increase body temperature
  • mentally prepare
  • increase mobility

Any movement will increase blood flow and body temperature but may not be enough to prevent injury and optimize performance. How does an effective warm up looks like?

All joints and muscles create movement which is regulated by the brain. Joints need to function well individually as well as together to create efficient movement. Efficient movement is what prevents injuries but it also is the key factor of high levels of sports performance.

Pre activating different systems (sensory system, proprioceptive/movement, visual system, vestibular/balance system, breathing) before physical activity will activate areas of the brain which are needed to be fully ready.