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Don't Let Procrastination Take Over This Summer (Part 1)

motivation procrastination productivity Jun 10, 2022

Have you been looking forward to the summer? Looking for a change of rhythm, travel, and less to deal with? We can't wait for summer to come and then a couple of months from now, we realized that we procrastinated and are behind schedule. The To-Do List of unfinished tasks becomes massively long.

Let's avoid procrastination by being PROACTIVE - NOW! Your future self will thank you.

Procrastination is the act of delaying or putting off tasks until the last minute, or past their deadline. It has been defined as a "form of self-regulation failure characterized by the irrational delay of tasks despite potentially negative consequences."

We blame lack of motivation for our procrastination but how do we create motivation? What causes the lack of motivation? What is really the cause that we are not doing the things we said we would?

Here are the most common reasons why we procrastinate:

  • Lack of Clarity: Not knowing what the real goal is will make it hard to reach it.
  • Lack of Necessity: If the task lacks personal meaning, we will more likely not do it. We may not see the Why, the reason for the task or it is not strong enough.
  • Lack of Skill: Often times we don't realize that the reason we are pushing a task out is that we don't know how to do it. We lack the actual skill.
  • Lack of Structure: Even if the final goal is clear, we may have not exactly figured out the steps on how to get there.
  • Lack of Planning: Each action needs to find a spot in our calendar. Lack of planning and scheduling tasks is a recipe for procrastination. We also may find ourselves overbooked with tasks that are not as important.
  • Lack of Focus: Distractions are the most common reasons that we procrastinate. There are just too many things that are more fun and that take less effort and energy.

3 Ways to Beat Procrastination

#1: Clarity

Evaluate your past 6 months. What has worked, what has not? The gain more clarity by answering these questions:  What is my goal(s)? Why is it important to me to reach this goal? What actions do I need to perform to reach my goal? What skills do I need? What can I outsource? What tasks should I drop, that are not as important?

Keep going...if you like to deepen your skill of seeking clarity then check out the NeuroHP Plus Membership. We meet 1x per month via zoom to gain more clarity in all areas of life.

 #2: Avoid Distractions

Distractions are a killer of productivity. First, gain clarity (see above). Then set intentions for the day and specific tasks in the morning. A good morning routine is key. Plan for the distractions since they show up no matter what. In your morning routine already think of the scenario of distraction. Envision the moments that you may get distracted. How do you know that you are distracted? For example: "I tend to get distracted by social media" - Action: already leave your phone in a different location during certain tasks. If I do get sucked in, how can I make myself stop? Plan for the action that you will take in the "if' scenario. Example: "If I get sucked into social media, I will ....."


Planning, planning, planning, and finding a spot in your calendar are key. Everything needs to find a spot in your calendar. If it isn't then it will more likely not happen. This includes your relaxation, recharge time, vacation, fun times, and tasks that need to get done that matter most.