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Manage your Energy

energy productivity Apr 14, 2024

How exhausted have you felt lately? Do you find yourself yawning through an important meeting and dreaming about sitting on the couch watching Netflix? As an effective leader, you need to have the energy to manage crucial conversations and be productive. Managing energy is also crucial to your health and well-being and requires more than just managing your time. Understanding how to effectively manage and optimize your energy can lead to profound improvements in your life.

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Energy management means consciously modulating our physical and mental resources to maximize productivity and well-being. It’s not just about avoiding exhaustion but optimizing your energy levels to enhance your overall quality of life.

Impact on the Brain and Body

Improved Cognitive Function

Proper energy management can enhance brain functions such as concentration, memory, and decision-making. Regular breaks and mindful activities reduce mental fatigue.

Enhanced Emotional Regulation

Energy depletion is often linked with poor emotional responses. By managing energy wisely, you can maintain better control over your emotional state, reducing instances of mood swings and irritability.

Boosted Physical Health

Effective energy management includes regular physical activity, which improves cardiovascular health, boosts the immune system, and increases stamina.

Reduced Stress Levels

By avoiding energy depletion, you can decrease cortisol levels, thereby reducing stress. This not only benefits your mental health but also prevents stress-related physical ailments.

Best Tips for Managing Energy

Managing your energy efficiently requires an understanding of your body’s rhythms and needs. Here are some science-backed strategies to help you maintain and manage your energy:

  1. Understand Your Circadian Rhythm: Align your tasks with your natural circadian rhythms. Tackle the most demanding tasks when your energy is naturally higher, which is in the morning for most people.
  2. Prioritize Rest and Recovery: Ensure you get 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. Sleep rejuvenates the brain and body, restoring energy levels. Consider short naps of 10-20 minutes to quickly replenish your mental and physical stamina without entering deep sleep, which can leave you feeling groggy.
  3. Good Morning and Evening Routine: Start your day with a healthy routine for your brain. Check out this video on how to create a morning routine that serves you. Calm down your nervous system in the evening to prepare your brain and body for a good night’s sleep.
  4. Optimize Nutrition: Stay hydrated throughout the day. Dehydration can cause fatigue and reduced cognitive function. Eat a balanced healthy diet rich in vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains to maintain steady energy levels. Avoid or limit processed foods, sugar, and alcohol. I highly recommend working with a professional nutritionist to finetune the right diet for you.
  5. Implement Regular Breaks: Take short, frequent breaks throughout your workday. Take a break every 50min for 5-10 minutes. Make sure to move your body and take a break from screens.
  6. Manage Stress: Regular mindfulness practices such as meditation or deep-breathing exercises can significantly lower stress levels, conserving emotional and mental energy.
  7. Healthy Boundaries: Learn to say no and set clear boundaries around your time and energy. This helps prevent overcommitment and energy depletion.


Energy management is a critical skill in the modern age, essential for maintaining productivity, enhancing health, and ensuring emotional stability. By understanding and respecting your body’s needs and rhythms, you can optimize your energy levels. Remember, managing energy is not about pushing through fatigue but about smartly allocating your resources for maximum efficiency and well-being.