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Be Kind To Yourself: Practice Self-Compassion

happiness motivation Dec 22, 2021

Do you tend to criticize yourself? Do you beat yourself for your mistakes and punish yourself for failures? You are not alone but be aware, being too hard on yourself can hinder your performance and success. Practice self-compassion. According to Kristin Neff, Ph.D., a self-compassion researcher, self-compassion has three main components:

  • Self-kindness - eliminate negative self-talk and self-criticism, use kinder, gentler words.
  • Common humanity - acknowledge that suffering and struggles, and personal failure are universal experiences, you are not alone.
  • Mindfulness - observe your negative emotions without over-focusing or suppressing them.

Self- Compassion

Benefit #1: Boosts Happiness

Research has shown that self-compassion is linked to happiness, optimism, wisdom, personal initiative, and curiosity

Benefit #2: Increases Motivation

Self-compassion can increase motivation to recover from failure. Honoring your struggles and practicing self-compassion after failure releases chemicals in the brain that can increase your motivation.

Benefit #3: Enhances Self-Worth

Self-compassion comes from within, compared to high self-esteem which often depends on external circumstances and social comparisons. Self-compassion allows you to continue feeling good despite instances of failure, perceived inadequacy, and imperfection.