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A Well-Organized Home Does More Than Just Impress Your Guests

Sep 18, 2023

Did you know that a well-organized home does more than just impress your guests? It can actually enhance your well-being and even boost your health. 

Studies have shown that clutter can increase stress and anxiety. The sight of chaos signals to your brain that your work isn't done, leading to a sense of overwhelm. On the other hand, an organized space can promote a sense of calm and help your mind relax - reducing stress and anxiety. I recently interviewed Tara Kirkland, a professional organizer, on my new show: Empower Hour (yes, I just started a YouTube show – check it out and subscribe to my channel).

Here is the link to the full video.

Believe it or not, an organized home can indirectly influence your physical health. Stress and anxiety from clutter can lead to poor sleep quality, poor diet choices, and even a lack of motivation to exercise. When your home is organized, you're more likely to have the mental space to focus on good habits like cooking a healthy meal or hitting the gym.

A well-organized home eliminates the distractions of clutter and enables you to focus on more meaningful activities. The energy and time saved can lead to more productivity, more time for fun activities, and even more quality time spent with loved ones

Three Tips for Starting Home Organization

Start Small

The task of organizing your entire home can seem overwhelming, which might stop you from starting at all. The best strategy is to start small—pick a drawer, a corner, or even just your desktop. Once you've successfully organized that space, you'll feel more motivated to tackle larger areas. Make sure to celebrate your accomplishment when done.


Instead of broadly stating you'll clean 'the kitchen,' break it down into categories—like utensils, dishes, and pantry items. When you're working by category, it's easier to focus and make quick decisions about what stays and what goes. This method also prevents you from becoming overwhelmed by the enormity of the task.

Make It a Routine, Not a One-Time Event

Organizing your home isn't just a one-and-done deal; it requires maintenance. Set aside a specific time each week or do it right after an already established habit (like following breakfast) to declutter and tidy up. This habit not only keeps your space organized but also reduces the long-term stress associated with big cleaning events.

Being organized isn't just about aesthetics or impressing your friends; it has a direct impact on your well-being, mental health, and even your physical health. You're not just tidying up; you're investing in a happier, healthier future for yourself. Happy organizing!

Watch the interview with Tara on YouTube here.