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6 Habits That Drain Your Energy

energy productivity Oct 11, 2021

There are habits that give you energy and there are those that drain it. Recognizing the habits that drain your energy and eliminating them brings your overall well-being to the next level and adds years to your life.

These are common habits that drain energy:

  1. Overthinking
    • Suggestion: identify what you are in control of and what you are not in control of. Focus on the things that you can control.
  2. Inconsistent sleep
    • Suggestion: implement a consistent bedtime, try to sleep at least 7-9hrs
  3. Poor diet habits + not drinking enough water
    • Suggestion: keep track of your water intake, plan your meals and snacks
  4. Holding onto anger/resentment
    • Suggestion: implement the 2-5min rule: let go of any anger within 2-5min, ask yourself: "Does this anger serve me?"
  5. Lack of physical activity
    • Suggestion: schedule breaks every 50min, get up and move around, schedule workouts/exercises
  6. Spending time with negative people
    • Suggestion: check in how you feel when you are with people, who give you energy, who drains your energy? Schedule more time with the people that give you energy.

Managing Your Energy

Benefit #1 Well-Being

Managing your energy will keep your brain's sympathetic nervous system (fight and flight) in check. Lack of managing energy will create stress and the brain will kick into survival mode (fight and flight mode) and releases neurotransmitters, tightens muscles, and slows down important functions for well-being and health.

Benefit #2 Weight Control

Short-term stress can cause you to lose your appetite and your digestion to slow down. Long-term stress can trigger gastrointestinal (GI) issues, like constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, or an upset stomach. Managing your energy well will help your digestive system to function optimally and control your weight and prevent other health issues.

Benefit #3 Productivity

If you are not managing your energy, you will lack productivity. An exhausted brain will not function to its optimal potential. The brain needs breaks. It needs to recharge. Take breaks every 50min, get 7-9 hours of sleep, let go of negative thoughts, and move your body. You will be more productive.