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Best Supercharge Tip for Falling Asleep

sleep Oct 22, 2021

Struggling to fall asleep? I have! Lying there in bed not being able to sleep even when I felt super tired was hard. Due to the struggles that I had with sleep and being a science lover, I studied the neuroscience of sleep, implemented strategies, and started tracking my sleep. I slowly started to sleep better and fell asleep faster. Today I like to share one strategy that you may have not heard about and that helped me a lot. Maybe it will help you.

You may know that a cool room temperature helps with sleep. But did you know that you also have to regulate your body temperature?

Over the period of 24 hours, your core temperature varies a little. Core temperature is lower while sleeping and higher while awake. It is important to understand that the temperature at the surface of your skin determines how much blood flows through blood vessels close to your skin, and higher skin blood flow leads to more heat loss from your body’s core. During sleep, the skin temperature is higher and lower while awake.

So it is the opposite:

high skin temperature = low core temperature and

low skin temperature = high core temperature.

Raising skin temperature temporarily, especially that of your extremities, right before bedtime will lower your core temperature to the level that may help you fall asleep faster.

This mechanism is very delicate and only requires a couple of degree differences in temperature.

Prep Your Sleep

Strategy #1 Take a shower

It’s clear that raising your skin temperature may help you fall asleep faster. Take a warm shower or bath shortly before bed. A sauna is another great option.

Strategy #2 Warm the feet

The volume of blood passing through the vasculature of your hands and feet is particularly relevant to sleep. Hands and feet are very dense with blood vessels and due to their structure transfer heat well to the environment. Keeping the skin on your feet warm by temporarily wearing warm clothes and socks before bed. Do a foot bath, put a hot water bottle, or cherry pit pillow beneath your feet.

I use a heating pad for 5-10min when I go to bed. It has helped me fall asleep faster.

Strategy #3 Bedding/ Mattress

Headed duvets are not the optimal answer since they stay hot and may heat to the body. Try bedding that efficiently transfers heat from your body. There are duvets that control temperature and cooling mattresses. I have no personal experience with these but would love to hear some feedback if you have. Send me an email and share it with me.