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3 reasons why you shouldn't check your phone in the morning.

productivity sleep stress management May 23, 2022

Do you find yourself checking your phone first thing in the morning? Getting the news, checking the emails, answering text messages, and then getting stuck on social media?

It is fairly common knowledge that being on your phone/screen late at night impacts your sleep. Today I will share why reaching for the phone first thing in the morning is not the best choice. Starting the day on the phone will affect our brain function, health, and productivity.

Reason #1: Disruption of Circadian Rhythm and Sleep

Light stops our melatonin production and makes us feel awake. The best stimulus for setting your circadian clock is to view low solar angle sunlight in the morning. The retinal neurons that set your clock respond to the blue-yellow contrast of the sunlight, which is abundant in low solar angle sunlight. You can get the benefit from early morning sunlight even through a cloud cover.

You might find that your phone screen has the same effect but don't be fooled. Sunlight wavelengths are much longer than light from a screen. The screen blue light and other artificial sources contain shorter wavelengths corresponding to blue and don't have the same blue-yellow contrast. Light from screens can upset the natural circadian rhythm.

Reason #2: Increased Stress and Anxiety

When we wake up in the morning, our brain comes out of the rest and restore phase. Immediately checking your phone, being bombarded with new messages, emails, to-dos, and other stimuli often creates a feeling of stress and anxiety. If your brain does not get the calm transition time that it needs and instead starts on high alert, it will carry the "fight and flight" mode throughout your day. Stress, overwhelm, and anxiety will be much harder to manage.

Reason #3: Less Attention and Less Productivity

Checking social media, email, or messaging right after waking up, creates a high possibility to lose control of the agenda of your day before you even started. Reacting to other people's requests, and taking care of other people's needs will take too much of your valuable time and brainpower. You are wasting the energy that you need for your thoughts and actions of the day. Staying in control in the morning will help you focus better and be more productive.