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Simple Trick To Improve Your Well-Being!

sleep Apr 26, 2021

You might have heard that digital screens emit blue light but did you know that blue light is not bad since it is an important component of our sunlight. We need blue light. But the blue light of a screen is not the full wave length like in the sun and too much can have a significant impact on sleep and emotional well- being (stress, anxiety, depression).

What you need to know:

  • Use blue light blocking glasses from time to time while looking at a digital screen but not all day long.
  • The glasses can be clear, yellow or amber, (orange) tinted and are called ‘computer glasses’ or ‘gaming glasses’ if you like to google them.
  • The more tinted the more they will block the blue light.
  • Clear blocks about 30-40% of blue light.
  • Yellow blocks 50-70%
  • Orange 98% and red 100% (not recommended to wear for long time).


  • If you get headaches and are easily stressed you may want to try more tinted.
  • Using a red tint in the evening might help with sleep.

Benefit #1 Preventing CVS

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is also referred to as digital eye strain. It includes eye- and vision-related problems that result from prolonged computer, tablet, e-reader and cell phone use. Many individuals experience eye discomfort and vision problems when viewing digital screens for extended periods. Common symptoms are blurry vision, eye redness, dry eyes, headache, dizziness, and eyes watering.

Benefit #2 Better Sleep

Eliminating screen time at least 1 1/2hrs before bedtime may improve your sleep. The blue light from a screen impacts the melatonin production which is needed for sleep. The brain thinks that it is daytime and will reduce the production of melatonin. With this disruption of the natural circadian rhythm you sleep quantity and quality will be affected.

Benefit #3 Preventing Neck Pain

The eyes and neck are neurologically connected. You neck and back might be getting tight because of eye strain or an overactive sympathetic system. Both can be reduced by wearing computer glasses.